Extra Mile: Sales Universe

So cool that you are here and you want to make you and your sales colleagues even more skilled 🚀

How to get access for yourself and others:
If you want access, you just fill in your informations below 'Faktureringsoplysninger (Billing information)'. If you also need access for others, click 'How many employees?' and selects the number. Remember that you yourself are included in the number. This means that if you need access for yourself + 5 employees, you choose 6 employees.

IMPORTANT: Remember to "check" who is responsible for the training on Extra Mile (which appears in the field under each employee). The person in question is sent important information 🙌🏻

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We'll send your receipt and other important info to this email.

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Extra Mile: Sales Universe

With Extra Mile: Sales you get access to +40 learning videos and online courses, so that you become an even better salesperson - and train wherever and whenever you want.

Total due DKK 0

There is no charge for this purchase.

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

NOTE: As soon as you purchase you will receive two emails. One email with your Simplero ID (username) and password that you need to log in to Extra Mile, as well as a "welcome email" with a detailed introduction to your new playground so you can get off to a good start ✔️